Plant machinery control systems

Choose JS Plant Services Ltd to enhance your plant machinery with the latest safety systems, technologies and grade control systems. We have experience working with iDig control systems and GKD technologies, as well as been able to design bespoke systems cating to your needs. Our technicians can repair and service a variety of plant machinery. Contact us to arrange a site visit. We serve throughout Carlisle, and the Lake District.

Plant machinery repair

Our contact details

Call now 07748 866 997

JS Plant Services Ltd
Address: Pack House, Glassonby, Penrith
Postcode: CA10 1DU

JS Plant Services Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 12384735. Registered Company
VAT number 346752675
Address: Pack House, Glassonby, Penrith, Cumbria, England,
CA10 1DU